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Scorpio Mix & Match Earrings

Scorpio Mix & Match Earrings


• Details •
Handmade sterling silver earring.
This earring has a matte finish on the one side and black oxidation on the other.

You can wear it on both ears.
Constellation design:  Scorpio


Mix & Match Earring


• Weight
Big Earring 6.5gr
Drop Earring 4gr
Hoop 3.5gr


• Wearing Options
Besides getting the big Constellation Earring alone (70€)..

Why not...
Mix and match!

You can pair the big Constellation Earring(Big Earring) with one of the following:
1. One drop white earring with silver matte finish. (105€/pair)
2. One drop black earring with black oxidation. (105€/pair)
3. One circle moving hoop. (110€/pair)
4. Τhe same Constellation Earring(Big Earring). (140€/pair of 2 Big Single)
5. A full set of 1 Big Earring, 1 drop white, 1 drop black and a moving hoop. (180€)

Have a look around